Hamvay Photography
I Photograph NOUNS:
- People (bridal portraits, holiday photos, engagements, portraits)
- Places (houses, landscapes)
- Things (i don't know what this means, but I am open to photographing unique opportunities)
Things you don't need to know about me, but will learn anyway:
- I'm from Southern California, lived in South Carolina for 7 glorious years, and moved to Austin in 2016.
- I have an irrational fear of blimps
- I have a rational fear of spiders
- Puppies are my favorite thing in the universe
- I have an incredibly amazing husband and the prettiest dog on the planet
- I like food way too much
- I don't like girly things and I like sports, but i ashamedly love MOST of the Real Housewives sagas.
- I get stupid-angry when the microwave beeps to remind me my food is ready (like, a minute after). I
know. I'm hungry. I will never just "forget" that I heated something up, because I'm hungry!
- I'm bringing fanny-packs back. Join me in the revolution!